Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fragile...Handle with Care

As my girl and I were talking the last few nights the subject of "Having a fragile heart" came up a few times. I told her I believed that she had a fragile heart and I never wanted any harm to come to her heart. She let me know that she has been through many romantic battles and her heart is still beating. So as I usually do, because I AM AN ENGLISH MAJOR, lol, I looked up the word fragile. FRAGILE is defined; Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed. So once I did that and realized the trials we have both been through, I understood that she could still have a fragile heart that was covered with a warriors soul. I believe my lady has the soul of a warrior and with that said. I would love for her to retire her soul and get some rest. I will place your heart inside of mine and care for it until the end of time. You are my angel, so be peaceful my angel and let me take care of you for awhile. Sleep little angel!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I was listening to a song by Don Henley today and he sang the word "sanctuary". I thought about love and the heart being a sanctuary for those of us who have known love and lost in our lives. Sanctuary is defined as: a sacred place; held in reverence. So with this information I tried to think of a time when I had a sanctuary, a place that I held sacred and with reverence. I used to think that was home. But now I am looking at a sacred place that I hold with deep reverence.

I received an email from MY MUSE tonight and she said, "You will never spend another day wondering if you are loved...I promise. :)". I have found my sanctuary, my place to feel safe and to know that I am matter what! As I said in the note back to you...YOU ARE MY LOVE, MY PEACE, MY LIFE! I will be your sanctuary to hold your fragile heart. I love you more every second. I am the luckiest man alive to have you.
Love + Love = Great Love!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


The emotion and spiritual principle of LOVE is a monster to try and tackle in a blog, much less in a relationship. I was in a discussion earlier this week with friends about how do you know when you find "THE ONE" or how do you know when you fall in love? I have never seen a set of steps to identify that feeling or a guidebook to love. What I have done however is loved. I have forged ahead through many fallen relationships where love has been involved, but I am not sure if I had ever been in love until recently. I have loved women that I had been in relationships with and wanted the best for them in the future they would have without me. I wanted them to be cared for and protected for the rest of their lives. I cared deeply about their well being.

There has been that deep love that I feel in the relationship I have with God. My God wants the best for me and wants for me to have loving, caring, best friend relationships with people in world. He wants me to take the spiritual principle of love and subdivide it into sub principles to practice daily such as;empathy, sympathy, goodwill, charity, and above all mercy.

So my question is....Why can't we combine these sub principles of spiritual love with the sub principles of romantic love and call that being "IN LOVE". Baby, there ya has taken me years to figure out and within the last month and a half you have shown me what being "in love" is. Taking the spiritual and combining with the romantic to have true love....the love that love stories are written about.

From the Rod Stewart song "You're In MY Heart, You're In My Soul" he sings the line..."You are every love song song ever written." I love every little bit of you and I pray you never forget that, even on the days when you want to forget it. You are MY "Hot Wife" MUSE!

Miss You <3,

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sometimes it feels like we have so much to work on. I am speaking on a personal level, of damaged character, damaged emotions, and damaged bodies. Building ourselves up from the wreckage of our past relationships and past behaviors for some is like cleaning up after 9-11. For some it is like cleaning up a spill. Mine however is somewhere in between.

Where I am leading with this is the clean process is just that....we first clean the obvious, the dirt that makes us blind. The second part of this clean up is from the inside out. Scrubbing those defected parts of ourselves we won't soon let anyone see. Next is our physical bodies...what was once taut abs have now turned to somewhat of rolls. The answer is simple clean it up and damage control.

I understand that I have been damaged, but this Mercedes can be fixed and the process has already started. My sweet....I may not be as good as I once was, but I am as good I ever was. Damage is not irreparable, but it does need to be fixed and regular maintenance. For you I would fix the world, and with me I will never let more damage ruin our lives. God Bless!!

Miss You,

Thursday, March 4, 2010


So .... I decided to write a poem tonight. I decided it should be about the betterment of a person. What started out as a new poetic path I am taking, The Minimalist Sonnet. I kept going back to same subject I have written about many times in my poetry. The subject of redemption. Redemption is defined as:deliverance;rescue. So with the idea of deliverance and rescue I started thinking about the events of the last month and my reconnection to the most wonderful woman. I feel as though I have been rescued from not a path of destruction, but a path of the ordinary. Not that there is anything wrong with...the ordinary. I have just lived this way for awhile. I call her MY MUSE. I have written more poems about the feelings of the heart since reconnecting than I ever have in my life.

So here is another to add to the collection. It is called Cleansed. I have taken feelings of the heart and combined it with the spiritual. I believe God digs that. I know I can't have feelings of the heart unless I really believe God has a hand in guiding them. So sweetie you'll have to share this one with God. He brought you to me, so I now honor you both with this poem. :Proceed to Simply Poetic blog:

Miss You,

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Decisions are nothing more than choices, pro and con, that need a resolution. The decisions we make today can affect the rest of our lives. I have been spinning in circles the last little while trying to decide whether to go back home to the south or to transition myself as a Californian. I have been living in Southern California for the last 7 years and people have made me feel so at home in an area where friendliness and southern hospitality is not on the Welcome Sign. But I have made this my temporary home until December / January.

It is time to go back and start my professional life. It is time to go home and watch my other two nephews grow into men. It is time to make sure my grandmother knows her grandson only has wanted to make her proud after the years of worry I put upon her. I want to have lunch with her and talk about my dad and the old days. I want to take my mother to BINGO and to buy her crazy Lottery Scratchers while she pelts me with guilt grenades. She is my mom and I love her even at worst, cause she loved me at my worst.

But mostly, I want to start this life I am discovering with a beautiful, giving, classy, woman. She has been put in my life to help center and focus my happiness in the right direction. I want nothing more than to make her happy for as long as she will allow it. Baby, you rock my world! You also make me smile like the Cheshire Cat. I can hear your smile, feel your touch, and hear your heartbeat through each email and phone call. The first touch after twenty years will be terrifying, with a beautiful side of bliss.

Get here, get here when you can!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Roots

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine

What a beautiful story of true love. (LOVE) that word, it brings out the best in us and can bring out the worst. But the one thing it does is eleveate the mundane. I believe that without love we can walk through the world without the bitterness and agony that once crept in after that bad breakup, the one that shattered our fragile hearts and threw us back into the game of mundane.

Then something happens, through luck, God, coincidence, or other phenomena. We have that chance meeting, bump into one another and the vines intertwine and the roots begin to set. The leaves and flowers bloom, the fruits come in and wholla, it all falls away with the fall. So what happens now. They find they need each other, not in the sense that they can't survive the winter, they just don't want to. They want to stay tangled because to stay warm and stay alive they need only the warmth, that only each of them can remit. People grow as do trees. They find the roots growing together, they plant the feelings and allow the roots to take hold and soon they find themselves operating as one instead two trying to make it through the world. The weather is harsh, so lets make sure our roots are strong. I want to enjoy our springs, love our falls, weather our winters, and bask in our summers glow. The roots make it possible, you make it possible. Miss You...Me